
Social Media Registration

Each Content Owner/Moderator/Administrator should be familiar with, and agree to comply with Arkansas Colleges of Health Education’s Social Media Policy and complete the registration form below.

  • To prevent stagnant conversation, social media content should be refreshed routinely.
  • To utilize social media efficiently, all social media platforms should have a specific purpose and topics should be relevant to the mission of ACHE and/or your specific program.
  • All comments are moderated. Comments that are obscene, defamatory, profane, libelous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to another person or any other person or entity are not approved. Owner/Moderator agrees to take all reasonably possible steps to prevent and eliminate non-approved comments and understand that it may be necessary to discontinue the use of the social media if such comments cannot be eliminated or prevented.
  • Please remember that all laws and policies apply, including but not limited to HIPAA laws, privacy, security and safety policies. We suggest that you take time to review our social media policies. Please consult your supervisor if you have questions about the appropriateness of your or anyone’s comment. For all other concerns, consult your supervisor. For all issues or questions about a comment, please take a screenshot and send that to your supervisor. If you see comments that require attention or service recovery, click here to email us.

Complete the following registration form and submit to Arkansas Colleges of Health Education to obtain approval of name. Please do not set up your social media account(s) prior to obtaining approvals.